Preparing for Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
1. Nothing to Eat or Drink for 8 hours prior to planned procedure
2. Self Administer 2 Fleet® Enemas on the Morning of the planned procedure prior to arriving at the center where your proceduer is scheduled
3. IF you have a Colostomy or ilieostomy and IF Dr. Atallah is only perfroming a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy and NOT ‘looking inside your entire colon’, then you do not need a prep of any kind. If you have questions or are unsure CALL and ask.
4. Bottom Line: You don’t have to ‘drink anything like you do for a colonoscopy if you are JUST HAVING a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy! You just need enemas.
I don’t know what a Fleet® Enema is - Help Me
Preparing for Anorectal Surgery
1. Nothing to Eat or Drink for 8 hours prior to planned procedure
2. Self Administer 2 Fleet® Enemas on the Morning of the planned procedure prior to arriving at the center where your proceduer is scheduled
Note: If you are unable to self administer an enema due to pain, or other reason, do not do so.
I don’t know what a Fleet® Enema is - Help Me